Although I have no energy for cooking during the week, Monday evening seems to be an exception - no idea why. Thus it was that I turned again to Nigella Kitchen and her recipe entitled Spring Chicken. No, it's not spring but as I could purchase all the ingredients, with the exception of fresh tarragon to garnish, I thought I'd give it a go. Sadly I can't find the recipe online yet but if I tell you that it consisted of chicken thighs cooked in dry cider with lardons, petits pois, leek, celery and dried tarragon, finished off with Dijon mustard and shredded Little Gem lettuce you'll get the idea. I served it with rice, but flat noodles would be great too!
It was good and will be made again. I think it would make a fantastic lunch party contribution as well. I had enough for 4 very hungry eaters, plus leftovers.
I even made a pudding, almost unheard of during the week. We have had the best crop of Bramleys ever this summer on our tree. I am still picking them and there must be enough pie fillings in the freezer to see us through several severe winters. So I was pleased to see RTC blackberries in Waitrose. They were large, plump and gorgeous, unlike the awful ones we had in the garden this year. I made a crumble, which looks lousy but was absolutely fabulous. 5oz flour, 1oz porridge oats, 3oz butter, 3oz Demerera.
The diet is on hold.